My first mountain bike was stolen from outside our flat in East Dulwich, London, as Sean was attaching a little computer so I could tell how fast I was going, or slow! My second, Sean bought from a friend who was leaving for the states, I really liked this bike it was a Sunn (French) and had slick tyres so I could commute to work fast, anyway it was stolen too, at work! Bloody South London!
As of yesterday I have my first proper mountain bike, purple and black with Rocket Rons and Rockshok forks, all good stuff my mechanic assures me.
My very first ride was out of our house and up to Skipton moor! The up was steep, impossible to ride when you're not fit, so we walked, all the way to the top! My bike walks well!
So at the top we're off, and I cannot believe how easy this feels, not the terrain that's rocky and very slippy but the fact that I'm out of the house riding my bike! It's almost unbelievable that I'm on the dale in no time, with no traffic or roundabouts to navigate!
The ride is fab, the view is amazing and it's just me and the sheep. I have to concentrate and cheer myself on (out loud) especially when trying to avoid nice little wheel made paths where I tended to get stuck and nearly fall off to the side, my bike handling skills are something that I am proud of! My bike feels great it really bounced off everything, funny as I'm used to off- roading on my road bike with my mechanic who thinks he's found a great route. I have always had issues with my hands and the fact thats it's hard to reach the brakes plus bumpy road equals really sore hands, even with mitts and gloves. This bike is really surprising, its recovery when I think I'm going into a ditch is great, it just bounces out the other side.
A few things to remember; do not cycle through water when you cannot see the bottom! Although my bike just made a funny noise for a while, the puddle was up to my knees. Avoid bogs, my front wheel got stuck but fortunately it rained so much today that the bog lost it's suckiness so I got out with shoes intact!
Fun Fun Fun!
Well done, champ. Shame to get that bike dirty. You're going to have a lot of fun on it. Great to be able to ride from the door, you're right. We just need to find some babysitters now - I'd better be nice to the inlaws...